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This blog will give you a few thoughts to focus your mind on what’s important when developing a strategy.
The objective, the message and the content
First, instead of getting carried away with how many newsletters you need to create per month or the frequency of posts on social media. Really soul-search what it is you’re trying to achieve. Sounds simple but it’s so important to go back to basics, consider your business model, and focus your time and efforts on the areas that need a little help or where you see the best returns.
It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of communications that aren’t really achieving what you set out to achieve. So, agree the objective, consider it from all angles, think through the main messages, and line up the kind of content that your audience really want to hear from you.
Be realistic and focus on quality
Starting on a new journey can be tough, and the first steps are often the most difficult. We always advise clients to start small. It’s good to share your thoughts and first drafts, and work with people you trust to give you honest, thoughtful advice. Whether it’s writing your first blog or generating the content for your first brochure, don’t be afraid to create that first draft then develop it over time. By putting pen to paper, you’ve set the wheels in motion, then you can start to pick apart the good bits and the bits that need more work to develop some strong, robust messages.
Making over-ambitious plans can often backfire. As you get caught up in a daily struggle where it feels like there’s too big a mountain to climb. Be honest about what you can do yourself and work with others – playing to your strengths and theirs to find the right balance of activities.
Brand image is everything
Design is ultra-important. We’re big on how things look and attention to detail is key. But brand isn’t just about colour and typography, it’s the underlying way people feel about a business and the emotions they instil. That’s why we get annoyed when we’re bombarded with too many emails from the same company constantly trying to give us the hard sell.
What people forget is that brands are built on long-term relationships. It’s about the idea that when you do want to buy, you know where to go – even if it’s not an immediate sale or service that you require.
So, think carefully before you press send. Are you creating something your audience truly wants to receive? Will they welcome the interruption to their day?
Take every opportunity to engage
The opportunities to connect that digital communications enable are so exciting. In a previous time, only in employee communications could you really get close to your audience and even then, you were relying on someone bothering to send an email.
These days, the likes of discussion boards allow so much more interaction. So when you’re planning, make sure to factor in how you’re going to monitor your different channels. Having educated and informed discussions with your target audience can leave a lasting impression, and it’s well worth the effort. Again, it sounds simple, but it’s only possible if you plan ahead and consider who has the capacity and knowledge to develop these meaningful interactions.
Planning, strategy, getting organised – whatever you want to call it, it’s important you take the time to really think through the task in hand. There are so many templates and models out there but it’s about taking an honest critique of your current activity and matching it to your aspirations and expectations. Easy, right?
Whatever stage you’re at in the process, we’re happy to help. A fresh pair of eyes and someone who’s not intrinsically linked to the business can bring a new perspective. And we often find ourselves project-managing the rollout to ensure that all the strands of the plan work in harmony.